Greener Titanium from Eastern Europe

Ukrainian company “Chervona Hvilya” brings cleantech to aircraft titan details manufacturing Green Bottom-Line Industrial companies all over the world are trying hard to cut their resource usage, and be more […]

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Climate Innovation Vouchers

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Union launch the new phase of the Climate Innovation Vouchers. After successful implementation in Ukraine since 2017 with EUR 1 […]

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ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition. Its mission is to unlock the world’s entrepreneurial cleantech potential to address the climate change issue. This competition sets up a […]

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Starting from 2013, Greencubator runs energy camp called TeslaCamp. That is an open-air renewables-powered energy innovations camp, organized by NGO Greencubator, dedicated to the future of energy markets. TeslaCamp 2018 […]

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Starting 2015, Greencubator launched its series of parallel hackathons for solving the most critical energy challenges of Ukraine. Via the network of innovation hubs and partner across the country we […]

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New life of nuclear cities

New life of nuclear cities

We shot a documentary “There Is Life Here” covering opportunities of economic development of Chernobyl Zone (including using Exclusion Zone as a potential site for solar project) and city of […]

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Video stories #EnergyHeroes

#EnergyHeroes is a series of video stories about Ukrainian green innovators and sustainability activists produced in 2016 by the Greencubator with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. These #EnergyHeroes […]

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